
You'll never walk alone. 陪你细水长流.

It meant a lot to me to say proper goodbye to SG


感谢 @Time Tricker 的指路和翻译(她的lofter原文)!!!我之前都不知道居然还有回声报这个专访!果断去回声报subscribe了!以及,虾皮的英语真的是…比我包的英语更难懂…感谢你的翻译!太赞了!



‘For me it was very nice and very good. I really enjoyed it because I didnt' have the chance, when I left Liverpool, I didn't have the chance to go back and to say proper... a proper goodbye, a proper thank you. So I had the chance. I remember that Fernando he had that great welcome as well. For him it was really important and I was really happy for him because he felt like he had the reconciliation with the Liverpool fans where he played so well. But for sure it was a great chance to, as well, to say proper goodbye to Stevie, that...It meant a lot to us.’

我特么听到托雷斯这里就受不了了开始飙泪,没想到最后还有这么一句 it meant a lot to us!!!托雷斯那个情况……哎他是真的没机会跟利物浦、利物浦球迷还有我包好好道别,但是卧槽虾皮你特么当年也没跟包子好好道别吗?!我去好像细思恐极啊我勒个去!!!我反复听了好几遍,这一段他的板鸭英语还是说得很清楚的,我应该没理解错,就是这个意思,不只是说托雷斯,也是在说他自己啊!!!


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